Smooth Transition from Hospital to Home

Creating a Plan of Care

Working closely with the hospital, your child’s doctors and specialists, and everyone on your child’s care team, a Clinical Supervisor will create a Plan of Care that includes parent and caregiver education and training.

Visiting the Home to Create a Safe Environment

A Clinical Supervisor will meet with you at home prior to discharge to determine your needs and make sure that all aspects of care are considered to promote safety. We will make sure equipment and supplies are available and accessible in the areas of the home where care will be provided.

Supporting Your Family

We will work with you to schedule the best care team for your child, while creating in-home routines that minimize disruption to your family. Our experienced team will provide support and guidance for any challenge you face while caring for your child—24/7, 365 days a year.

Finding the Right Financial Support

If you are unsure what coverage is available for your child, our team can help. We will work on behalf of your family to find the right resources to minimize financial hardship. We will review private insurance policies; Medicaid eligibility (including SSI and Medicaid Waiver programs); and insurance verification and billing.